Conscious Living: 16 Cribnotes For a Better Life

Conscious Living: 16 Cribnotes For a Better Life

I wrote this article around 2008 when I first started to really get into personal development and learn more about spirituality. As I just re-read through these 16 cribnotes, they all remain so true and I know the things I learned from these books back then have really changed and shaped my life forever. I can honestly say I would read each book again and I know I would gain even more insight that I could put to work in my life today. I am  always always learning and I just love that! Here’s my list for a better life from 2008. Can’t wait to make a new list of my favorites  to add  to these for 2016!

These are many things that I have learned that I feel are very important to keep in my head, heart,and consciousness everyday. It is very helpful to myself to often reflect on these to re-remember for more inspiration in my life.

16 Cribnotes For a Better Life

1. Gratitude

Be thankful to God for EVERYTHING that I am thankful for. Appreciate the simplest and the most profound and give thanks. This is the best emotion of “being” to be in. It puts me in a good positive place and open to receive more goodness into my life. (This became more clear on from the book and DVD The Secret)

2. The Now

I do not have my past. I do not have the future. All that I ever have is THE NOW! (The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle really opened up my eyes with this fact.)

3. Watching Myself in my Life

Imagine myself (my soul) watching myself in my life. What do I think? What would I change now?

4. Before I React

Nothing — no conflict is between me and another person. Every reaction that I have to anything and anyone is only between myself and God. So before I react I think of God and then react accordingly. (Wayne Dyer taught me this through his book: There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem)

5. Watcher of My Thoughts

Be the Watcher of My Thoughts. Bring everything to awareness and acceptance and therefore to the light. The light will diminish what is not of itself. The negative is darkness. (Eckhart Tolle taught me this in his book)

6. My Mind & God’s Words

Free my Mind and Know God’s Words

7. My Responsibility to Cleanse

Everything negative that happens in front of me or every negative experience that I have is my responsibility to cleanse it. Say “I am Sorry. Please Forgive Me. I Love You. God Bless.” (Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale taught me this in their book Zero Limits 1st (first) edition. The book is on Ho’oPonoPono)

8. Positive Energy & Thoughts

Keep your energy and thoughts positive and good positive things flow towards you.

9. Ask and You Shall Receive

The Bible, of course, is where I have heard this for the first time. Faith all the way through is key to a better life. I must remain in a state of gratitude, love, trust, faith and all that is God.
It is the frequency that I am in. For example if I am tuning into 95.9 AM and I want to listen to 101 FM it is simply on the wrong frequency and can’t come through. I have to be on the right frequency to get the right channel and music that I want to listen to. (Abraham-Hicks taught me this) and this is how it works in life. If I want to have certain results in my life, I need to be tuned in and feeling good about these results.

10. Mine & Others’ Thoughts

Thoughts of mine and others (energy) carry and affect everything in this universe. A smoke stack blowing pollution out in Detroit still affects the air in China. It is all the same air. Energy works the same way. (this analogy really helped me from my Beyond Freedom program)

11. Bringing More of it

Whatever I am thinking about and focusing on brings more of it. So think and focus on the positive.

12. Love

Love is the answer to everything. (Marianne Williamson has helped me with this in her book) 

13. Give it to God

For a better life, every problem that occurs, I give to God and know everything is always okay.

14. Always Cleanse

Always “Cleanse”, clear my head…. Everywhere I go and everything I see from people, living things, objects,places all carry energy- positive and negative. So I must cleanse myself/family to keep myself/us more connected and close with God and inspiration flows.

15. Pray

Pray with each step I take.

16. Get out of the Mind

Always thinking thinking thinking… Stop this! and find God, clarity, love and true consciousness.
I have listed some authors and influences that have really helped me with living a better life. There are many more that I could list and I am so thankful for all that they contribute to helping others and making the world a better place with answers that inspire.

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MUSE Simply HAS Changed my Life

MUSE Simply HAS Changed my Life

Soundclip of my MUSE Story

Guests of the hotel I work at told me about MUSE. My sweet guests were attendees of a retreat put on by a world renown top meditator. They were excited about MUSE and had just bought one for themselves. When they started to tell me, I was immediately drawn in.

  • MUSE is a device put on your head to help you meditate.
  • You hear sounds like weather for example, wind and waves lightly in the background and if you start to think too much it will start to get stormy and you must calm it down with your mind.
  • This device tracks your brainwaves as you are meditating  to see what state you are in. If you are in a calm meditative state you will begin to hear birds, and the more birds you get the more focused and calm you are.

The husband said he had 26 birds and the wife had 2. I had to find out more and was able to go and do a demo  for myself. Let me telI you, I loved it! I knew I wanted it, but it was $300.

The next day, I took my friend to have a demo too. We spoke about this. And, we both know the power of meditation and how we both had a rather hard time taking time to meditate. For me, I have only “tried” to meditate a handful of times. Each time I tried I usually just started yawning and then I would fall asleep.

MUSE Can Help

I felt with this I would be motivated to meditate and it would help me in every area of my life through meditation. My only fear was if I was to get this, what if it would just be a fad. I would use it only in the beginning and then I would fade off and it would never be used again. Looking back now, I have found this to be false.

I have experienced positive results in my life from meditating and MUSE is the means to which I get measurable results that keep me coming back. And, because I can tell and feel the difference when not meditating and meditating in my life, I value MUSE so very much. I would like to share my journey here on my blog with you.

Since then I contacted the company to see if I can share this valuable life changing device with others and get compensated for it if someone buys one. Why not, abundance is a good thing! I was very happy to have gotten approved! So as you read through my blog and my journey and you decide you would like to buy one, please click through one of my links like this one HERE.

My Little Real Life Surrender Story

My Little Real Life Surrender Story

My Little Real Life Surrender Story

What does this mean and how the heck do you do it?
Ever heard the phrase “Let Go Let God”? That is what surrendering is. You basically:
This is what you say… “God, make things fall into place in a way that is great for me, that aligns with what is good for my soul. Then you truly just LET IT GO and LET God take care of it.
How do you know if you’ve surrendered?
I have learned this with the big things a lot because I’ve been forced to. Everything for my kids and I’s future was dependent on it. For big questions like “Where will we live?” or “How will I pay for our rent?”  So I really got that down, but for the little things sometimes I forget. But to do it with the little things too, Life is so joyous when you do because there is no disappointment in what comes about in life.


I work on Sundays from 9-2. My kiddos are off to their Dads on Sundays and my boyfriend and I get a few hours of much needed quality time together. I really cherish these times. Well, I got to work and I realized I forgot; I put myself ON CALL for the 2nd shift from 2-6. At first, I was bummed. Then I had an AHA moment! Just tell God… How ever the day comes out is the way that is BEST FOR ME, for MY SOUL, for what I want and then I aligned my thoughts and feelings with that!
I told my boyfriend what was happening. I worked my morning shift with PEACE knowing it’s all good whatever happens.
After my shift, it got busier. I asked my manager. “Do you want me to stay or go?” I was at peace with whatever she was going to say just knowing it’s all going to be great! She said stay until 3:30. My co-worker gave me one of her appointments so I made money and I would get to go home early still! I texted my boyfriend all happy and he said he just cleaned my car for me and he made plans to meet up with his friends at 3:00  and would meet up with me later. NOW, If I would have tried to control my day; the situation, I would have been REALLY bummed that I wasn’t going to get to spend time with him now that I was finally off… and for a split second, I will admit, I was. Then I realized what all just happened. I made double the money, got to get off work early, my car was clean, boyfriend getting some much needed guy time, I get to have some “me time” and we get to meet up later. I’m not upset or holding in any bad feelings like…. “He doesn’t want to see me… boo hoo poor me” I am actually inspired to write all this down (my me time) because I have been wanting to write (a book) FOREVER. I may go to the gym after this or do something else wonderful for ME <3 I’m happy. No stress, No guilt trips, no harbored feelings. We are all HAPPY! Thank you God!

Teacher in Tears Because of an Inspiring Song

Teacher in Tears Because of an Inspiring Song

PS22 Chorus is a group of 5th grade students from a public elementary school in Staten Island, New York. This inspiring group is composed of ordinary kids doing extraordinary feats such as singing on stage with Katy Perry and singing for the President himself, Barrack Obama.

In 2015, the group decided to dedicated their last song of the year, during the last practice of the year, to one of their favorite teachers, Mrs. Adriana Lopez, who was diagnosed with breast cancer. How they sang the song and how their teacher reacted to the song was heart-warming (ready your tissues).

“I’m Gonna Love You Through It” by Martina McBride

When you’re weak, I’ll be strong
When you let go, I’ll hold on
When you need to cry, I swear that I’ll be there to dry your eyes
When you feel lost and scared to death,
Like you can’t take one more step
Just take my hand, together we can do it
I’m gonna love you through it.

These children are beautiful, so much good stuff here! Just look at the kid’s faces and their vibe. The song is like a prayer, already affirming Mrs. Lopez coming through her battle healed. And LOVE CAN heal anything.

Share this as you say a prayer for healing for this teacher and an appreciation for the kids and the other teacher helping to put all this together.

See Real-Life Genies GRANT WISHES

See Real-Life Genies GRANT WISHES

Have you ever wondered what it was like to have a genie grant your wish? If you’ve seen the Disney film Aladdin, you’ve probably imagined it more than twice in your lifetime. Well, people whose lives have been moved by I AM GENIE are very familiar with this.

I am Genie is a company that grants wishes for everyday heroes. It’s as simple as that! It was co-founded by Joshua Dawson who, interestingly enough, dresses up like a real life-genie (with blue skin even). Know more about his story and about what he does on the I AM GENIE FACEBOOK PAGE and on IAMGENIE.ORGIf you visit the website, you might even be granted a wish!