OILS!!! If you know, you know.

Oils are the key tool I use in my home to be proactive in keeping myself and my family well. I use plant oils as our medicine 99.9% of time. I use them for beauty, skin, cleaning, immune system and so much more. They work!

People of ancient civilizations used the entire plant for everything from clothing, textiles to remedies and medicine. People believed the earth gave them everything they needed to solve any problem. Today we have moved away from that. Through technology and advancements we have grown accustomed to using synthetic chemicals as solutions to our problems. We are also exposed to so many more toxins nowadays through pollution, cleaning products, and especially our food. With all the high toxins in our environment, it comes with a cost to our health. Where do we turn?

Most people turn to equally synthetic answers to fix these health problems. But we don’t have to.

We can turn to what nature has always given us. We can use the full power of nature with all it’s wisdom into our homes to create a healthier lifestyle, reduce & combat toxins and help solve our problems.

First let’s take a look at what we are doing in our regular routines. We buy the same groceries and cleaning products week after week not really thinking about what ingredients are in them. We might see a long complicated label with ingredients we can’t pronounce or chemicals we have never heard of. But do we take time to think what kind of effect this could have on us long term? Have you ever stopped to think about what we are actually putting in our bodies or topically on our skin, the largest organ of our body which is then penetrated in. Where do our products come from?

A healthier solution!

  1. Instead of waking up, dreading the day and tired….Imagine waking up and inhaling fresh, pure citrus oil like wild orange because it is naturally energizing, and it puts you in a good positive mood.
  2. You drag yourself into the shower, wash your body with products that are filled with synthetics and chemicals. No, Yuk!
    What if you could shower with ingredients that are actually nourishing and good for you, like rosemary in your shampoo to invigorate your scalp and hair follicle and be supportive to memory and focus!?
  3. Instead of brushing your teeth with fluoride products, you brush with a toothpaste that supports your immune system and whitens your teeth with no harsh ingredients. Doesn’t this sound better?
  4. Your liver has been working hard for YOU all night. Think of it like trash day and your liver has gathered all the garbage out of your body and it is out in the trash bags ready for the garbage man to pick it up. But you wake up and don’t flush it out. You drink a cup of coffee loaded with sugar and pesticides and your poor liver has to start all over the next day only for it to happen again and again.
    Want a better way to work WITH your body? How about instead of drinking something that makes it work harder, you drink a large glass of water with a couple of drops of lemon essential oil in it to naturally & gently cleanse your body and assist your liver and kidneys.
  5. We are getting the idea now… How about Wiping down your kitchen counters with natural products that BOOST your immune system instead of putting more toxins in your home and in your body with chemically filled products!
  6. In the afternoon, you start feeling tired and you reach for a sugar pick me up, only to feel worse of course! Why not put 1 drop of peppermint into your water and drink, then rub a drop into your hands and breathe in deeply to re-oxygenate your body and mind! WOW so invigorating. Never knew breathing this deep could feel so good!
  7. Before you sleep, you don’t just crash and burn, You put the diffuser on and create a nice ambiance of lavender, serenity. and/or balance essential oil on to soothe your mind and relax you. You sleep like a baby through the night.
  8. A really cool fact is, once you experience a positive affect using a specific essential oil, your brain makes what’s called a positive association with that aroma. So each time you smell it, guess what happens!? It produces all these good chemicals in your body. Kinda like when you smell that smell of grandma’s cookies baking it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It works the same way.

doTERRA are natural, effective and multi-purpose. I love them because not only do they work but they don’t have damaging side effects that many pharmaceuticals have warnings about right on their bottles! Once you start using oils, you feel empowered to take care of yourself naturally and healthy! Even my kids ask for oils by name for specific ailments such as a tummy ache, a headache, or trouble falling asleep. I also love them for keeping our house smelling good, boosting immunity, and helping us to live a non toxic lifestyle as much as we can. I love enhancing & creating an ambiance in a room or to elevate moods in the house or a long car ride. So, so, so many ways. And I am going to teach you how too!

First things first, If you smell & experience doTERRA oils you WILL FALL IN LOVE. When I am sharing my oils with another, I don’t know how many times I have heard comments like, “ I can’t explain it but these oils just make me happy. I love them!” as they smile and even hug all the oils. And – I- totally- get- it! I completely feel the same way. You know, essential oils are made by Nature with it’s unmatched wisdom, nature gets it right every time, all the time. doTERRA oils are truly beautiful and amazing & actually quite magical…This is why we love our oils.

And – I-  totally-  get- it!

I completely feel the same way. You know, essential oils are made by Nature with it’s unmatched wisdom,  nature gets it right every time, all the time. doTERRA oils are truly beautiful and amazing & actually quite magical…This is why we love our oils. 

doTERRA oils are the purest, most trusted oils on the market and this is really, really , really  important. Crappy diluted, adulterated oils can cause harm to your body instead of good. If you’re buying cheap oils from the health food store or on Amazon, you’re likely not getting what you think you are. Adulteration and contamination are rampant in cheap health food store oils, and many “brandname” Amazon products have been shown to be counterfeits as well.  It sucks that there is no protection for consumers when it comes to this. Many people are just trying to get oils for their family to do good, and don’t even realize that their oils are not pure & effective even though it may say it on the bottle. They never get the results that they deserve for their efforts in caring for themselves and their families.

doTERRA have a clear unwavering purpose & vision. Doterra is committed to sourcing the best oils in the world. They go to great lengths to source all over the world where the plants thrive in their natural conditions. They source directly from growers, through ethically sourced practices. doTERRA places great value on the expert of the local farmers. Doterra oils are unique, unrivaled, pure, clean, effective, and potent. 

Doterra essential oils are (CPTG) Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.  dōTERRA utilizes 13 different methods of testing. Each one of these tests is run 7-8 times through a 3rd party laboratory before essential oils are bottled! THESES TESTS INCLUDE: Stability , Heavy Metal , TCP/Microbial, Pesticide Analysis, Chiral GC, Isotope Carbon 14, Biochemical Pairing, Taxonomy, VOC Volatile Carbon Analysis, Thin Layer Chromatography, LC/LCMS.  doTERRA surpasses USDA organic standards. Doterra is the most transparent. You can actually track each bottle to see the GC/MS quality test reports done  by an independent, verified, third party lab. Doterra’s committed to providing you the highest quality oil every single time. https://sourcetoyou.com/en/quality-reports  dōTERRA as a whole shatters the typical essential oil  industry standard.  Not only is Doterra creating the highest quality essential oils on the planet, they bring science and education to the forefront as a means of healthcare.

They utilize the correct species of plants, parts of plants for potency, geographic region, climate, altitude, harvest method, harvest season, and distillation process to ensure you only get the best. Dedication to purity is truly an understatement.


A reference book is key! So I will give to you FREE

Integrating & using oils are a “learn as you go” approach. You can’t get it wrong. But you don’t want to buy them and they sit on your shelf because you don’t know how to use them. I want you to be empowered to be your own and your family’s own little wellness practitioner ready with your tool kit of oils.            Because, I want this for you, When you order through my wellness advocate link I will mail you an A to Z guide FREE! This is a great reference guide. It shows you safe, effective, ways to use essential oils. And the BEST part, look up which oils to use by ailment or common uses for each oil. 
What would you like  greater support with? 

    • better sleep
    • decrease pain
    • improve digestion
    • strengthen your immune system
    • have glowing skin and…….. just so so much more!