It is interesting! Technology is so advanced these days that it can now sense and measure our brain waves. In case you don’t now what I am talking about, I am referring to a device is called Muse. I use MUSE and I wrote two reviews about it:

  • MUSE Simply HAS Changed my Life
  • My Journey Meditation with MUSE: These Two Things Got Better Right Away

MUSE in a Nutshell

This wearable technology DOES NOT change your brain waves to help you relax and meditate. The device helps you help yourself. The makers, Interaxon, designed MUSE to gather data, arrange it and then present it in a way that you can easily understand. Users can use MUSE as a tool to measure their progress with their meditation practice. I highly suggest that you read my first review so you have an idea of how Muse works.

How to Use Muse Effectively

1. Connect to the App

MUSE will show you the data it collected through its mobile app. You can easily find the app on iTunes or Google Play. This is how you use MUSE on your phone:

  • Download the app first.
  • Begin by connecting MUSE to the app on your mobile device via Bluetooth. You only need to do this once.
  • Once paired, MUSE will automatically try to link to the last device it connected to.


2. Take the Tutorial

The first time you use Muse, you’ll be led through a simple tutorial that teaches you how to adjust the headband for a good fit and to ensure it’s reading your brain signals correctly. Just follow the instructions.

3. Calibrate

Your brain is different every day. Before you use MUSE, it has to be calibrated. Or more accurately, it needs to calibrate itself.

To calibrate itself before each session, MUSE will take a snapshot of your brain in an active state. MUSE uses this snapshot as a reference to understand your brain signals (what does it measure?). For each calibration, MUSE listens to your brain signals for 60 seconds as you perform a simple brainstorming task. It will ask you stuff like think of “kitchen utensils”. Then, you think of as many as you can. Maybe it will be famous places. It changes up all the time.

4. Use Muse to Meditate

MUSE gives you feedback about your meditation in real time by translating your brain signals into the sounds of wind. When your mind is calm and settled, you hear calm and settled winds. When your mind is active the winds will pick up and blow.

5. See Your Results

After each session, you’ll see how you did through a series of graphs and charts. Track your progress over time and earn points to unlock new features.

6. Track Your Progress and Achieve Your Goals

Your results are saved in a private account. Use Muse to follow your progress over time and learn new things about your own mind. To help keep you motivated and improving, MUSE also gives you points, goals, challenges and bonuses to strive for. With every session you earn points, and can adjust your goal to fit your needs.

7. Improve Over Time

Muse is based on focused, attention-based training exercises, which have been shown to produce many benefits over time (why train my brain?). The final step of the process is noticing the differences in your daily life. Enjoy greater composure and focus through regular sessions with Muse (what are people saying?).
I have noticed an amazing difference in my daily life especially with focus, concentration, and making time for doing the things I am passionate about.
Well there you have it, some great info from MUSE to explain the HOW TO. Are you ready to get yours and find out the benefits it will have in your daily life?